%0 Journal Article %T 金属泡沫–水的自然对流换热实验研究
Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection in Metal Foam-Water %A 彭招 %A 潘阳 %A 钱维扬 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 1-8 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2016.61001 %X
本文针对多孔介质材料中的自然对流换热问题,通过搭建充满金属泡沫–水的实验装置,探究了金属泡沫–水自然对流换热机理,讨论了加热功率、箱体倾斜角度对方腔内金属泡沫-水两相自然对流换热的影响,实验发现努谢尔数Nu随加热功率的增加而变大,随着倾斜角度的增大而变小,随着金属泡沫孔密度PPI的增大而减小。最终得到了箱体水平放置时5 PPI和10 PPI努谢尔数Nu随瑞利数Ra的变化规律。
In this paper, an experiment apparatus filled with metal foam-water is set up to investigate the problem of natural convection about porous medium. A mechanism of natural convection of metal foam-water is investigated by experiments. Influences of heating power and angle of inclination on natural convection in the cavity filled with metal foam-water are discussed. It is found that the Nusselt number increases with heating power and decreases with the angle of inclination and pore density PPI of metal foam. A correlation of Nusselt number and Raleigh number is obtained when the cavity is horizontal with 5 PPI and 10 PPI.
%K 金属泡沫–水,自然对流,温差,孔密度
Metal Foam-Water %K Natural Convection %K Difference of Temperature %K Pore Density %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=17278