%0 Journal Article %T 矿井主扇风机不停风倒机监控系统的应用
Application of Monitoring System of Main Mine Ventilator Rearrangement without Stopping Ventilating %A 马琳 %J Journal of Security and Safety Technology %P 10-16 %@ 2330-4685 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JSST.2016.41002 %X
According to the current situation of the main ventilator application in Gengcun Coalmine, a new monitoring system of the main ventilator was introduced. The structure and the main function of this system and its hardware and software were discussed. Taking PLC of the S7-400H type which has redundancy function as the control unit, and utilizing WinCC configuration software as the monitoring software, then it is realized that the main ventilator automatically reverse without stopping and its running state can be real-time dynamically monitored. The level of reliability and automation was improved.
%K 主通风机,监控系统,冗余功能,不停风倒机
Main Ventilator %K Monitoring System %K Redundancy Function %K Non-Stop Ventilating Reverse %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=17182