%0 Journal Article %T 颜面部外伤的急诊整形修复处理
Emergency Plastic Repair of Facial Trauma %A 赵中江 %A 钟岳 %J Hans Journal of Medical Cosmetology %P 7-11 %@ 2332-6921 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJMC.2016.42002 %X
Objective: To investigate the effect of emergency plastic repair of facial trauma and summarize the clinical experience. Methods: 116 cases of facial trauma patients with plastic surgery principles and technical treatment, observation of facial scar, morphology, etc., to determine the clinical effect. Result: 113 cases of 116 cases of wound healing, early development of 3 cases of poor healing, the second phase of the line after the treatment also reached grade a healing. The average follow-up of 6 months, no obvious scar hyperplasia, contracture, no secondary deformity, no need for late shaping, the patients were satisfied with the treatment effect. At the same time, compared with the traditional common suture of 107 cases of patients, the healing rate of I phase was found to have statistical differences, plastic repair group was significantly higher than the control group. Conclusion: Application of plastic surgery technology to repair facial trauma can effectively reduce the secondary scar, significantly improve the healing rate of I, to maximize the recovery of patients with facial features and reduce the complaint.
%K 急诊,整形修复,颜面部外伤
Emergency Treatment %K Plastic Repair %K Facial Trauma %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=17886