%0 Journal Article %T 基于ZigBee组网控制的温室大棚环境监控系统
Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Network %A 陈涛 %A 张晓红 %A 吴平 %A 龚佩珍 %J Open Journal of Circuits and Systems %P 34-41 %@ 2327-0861 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJCS.2016.52005 %X
In the view of the digital collection of environmental factors demand for the greenhouses in the agricultural sector, the greenhouses environment monitoring system based on ZigBee network is designed. System consists of temperature and humidity acquisition circuit, the light intensity sen-sor circuit, ZigBee wireless transmission circuits, power management circuits and GSM data trans- mission circuit. By SHT20 temperature and humidity sensor acquisition and BH1750 light intensity sensor to gather environmental factors, the environmental factors of each node through ZigBee wireless sensor network, aggregated, and permanently saved to the cloud server. Users can use the App to monitor the data. Test results show that the system has advantages of the environmental parameters greenhouses collection, processing, transmission, storage function, low power consumption, easy operation, small size and other characteristics.
%K 无线传感器网络,环境参数,GPRS,低功耗
Wireless Sensor Network %K Environmental Parameters %K GPRS %K Low Power Consumption %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=17899