%0 Journal Article %T 列维⋅施特劳斯的忧思—解读《种族与历史,种族与文化》
Levi-Strauss’s Worry—A Review of Race and History, Race and Culture %A 田夏萌 %J Modern Anthropology %P 35-39 %@ 2331-0294 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MA.2016.44005 %X
Race and History, Race and Culture is a monograph which Levi-Strauss wrote for the discussion of racism. In this book, Levi-Strauss not only analyzes the essence of racism, but also demonstrates the true meaning of cultural diversity and its significance to human civilization. Levi-Strauss argues that the most significant meaning of cultural diversity is to remain multiple possibilities for human civilization. Moreover, people should also try their best to keep the cultural diversity from the evasion of aggressive modern civilization.
%K 列维?施特劳斯,种族,历史,文化
Levi-Strauss %K Race %K History %K Culture %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=19018