%0 Journal Article %T 页岩气成藏机理研究新进展
New Progress on the Research of Formation Mechanism of Shale Gas Reservoir %A 张渴 %A 马东民 %A 相里海龙 %A 邵凯 %J Clean Coal and Energy %P 9-15 %@ 2334-3516 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCE.2016.42002 %X
Alternative energy for shale gas as a conventional natural gas is a very important kind of non- conventional energy resources, and has great potential for development. Based on the research of the domestic and foreign research achievements on shale gas, this paper summarizes the shale gas accumulation conditions and mechanism. Shale gas accumulation conditions have internal and external causes. Internal factors include genetic types, air condition (thickness, mineral composi-tion, maturity, total organic carbon (TOC) content, kerogen type, the degree of thermal evolution, reservoir conditions (humidity), cracks, porosity and permeability), trap conditions, preservation conditions (caprock condition, hydrogeological conditions, structural conditions); external factors include depth, temperature and pressure. At least the formation of shale gas accumulation me-chanism links the migration, accumulation and accumulation process of coalbed methane (typical adsorption gas reservoir forming principle), source contacting gas (piston type gas water dis-placement principle) and conventional gas (displacement of typical migration mechanism) to-gether, with the typical sense of transition in performance characteristics.
%K 页岩气,成藏机理,成藏条件,非常规
Shale Gas %K Reservoir Forming Mechanism %K Reservoir Forming Conditions %K Unconventional %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=18618