%0 Journal Article %T 华电集团投资海外燃煤电厂生产准备优化探索与实践
Optimization of Exploration and Practice of Production for the Huadian Group of Foreign Investment in Coal-Fired Power Plant %A 程彦林 %J Clean Coal and Energy %P 17-23 %@ 2334-3516 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCE.2016.43003 %X
Production preparation is to ensure the smooth transition of the seamless connection of the pro-duction of capital construction, to achieve the smooth operation of the design standards, and the stable and efficient operation of the production, doing all necessary preparations for the work. Power plant construction (including expansion), must go through the preparation of the project to the project, the design and construction, installation and commissioning, commissioning and commissioning of a series of stages of power generation. Production preparation work must be bright and can be operational, practical, benefit as the main line to achieve seamless connection and stable transition of capital construction production. According to the characteristics of Huadian Group of overseas investment in coal-fired power plants, common problems of production preparation work are analyzed, and then combined with the actual production of the host country, to optimize for the same type of coal-fired power plant production ready to provide reference.
%K 华电集团投资,海外燃煤电厂,生产准备,优化
Huadian Group of Investment %K Overseas Coal-Fired Power Plant %K Production Preparation %K Optimization %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=18970