%0 Journal Article %T α-甲基苯乙烯质量攻关技术研究
Study on the Technology of Improving the Quality of Alpha Methyl Styrene %A 安明东 %A 孙建刚 %A 张会泉 %A 杨瑞先 %J Studies in Synthetic Chemistry %P 1-9 %@ 2332-7960 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSC.2016.41001 %X
A set of alpha methyl styrene recovery unit is designed in the phenol acetone plant of Jilin Petro-chemical Co. In 2001, the transformation of the original rectification tower for the use of the old, and unreasonable process design resulted in that the production of alpha methyl styrene products had quality problem, such as purity is low, color is yellow and so on, which had serious impact on the alpha methyl styrene as product sales. In this project, based on a process simulation research and laboratory research, we redesign the process and put forward the reform plan. Under the premise of keeping the main equipment unchanged, using the way of light off tower and finished tower being added with the sidestreams, the alpha methyl styrene production quality issue is successfully solved.
%K α-甲基苯乙烯,质量攻关,脱重塔,苯酚,丙酮
α-Methyl Styrene %K Quality Problem Solving %K De-Heavy Fractionator %K Phenol %K Acetone %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=18547