%0 Journal Article %T 深在性囊性结肠炎的临床特征与治疗—附一例报道与中文文献分析
The Clinical Feature and Treatment of Colitis Cystica Profunda—With a Case Report and Review of Chinese Literature %A 黄瀚章 %A 周峰 %A 杜舟 %A 王鹏飞 %A 章晓东 %A 贾曾荣 %A 韩少良 %J Asian Case Reports in Surgery %P 5-9 %@ 2169-2548 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRS.2016.52002 %X
Objective: The clinical manifestation and treatment results of colitis cystica profunda were analyzed to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment. Methods: The nearly twenty-year Chinese literature report of colitis cystica profunda and our report were comprehensively analyzed. Results: The average age was 34.0 years, with the male to female ratio of 7:10; the lesion location was iliocecum in 6 cases, rectum in 4, ascending colon in 3, diffuse colon disease in 2, descending colon and sigmoid colon in each of the 1 case. The clinical manifestation was leaded by abdominal pain with bloody stool in 8 cases, followed by abdominal pain with diarrhea and abdominal mass with intermittent bloody stool in each of the 2 cases, intestinal obstruction in one, intussusceptions in one and shifting right abdominal pain in one. Physical examination revealed abdominal mass in 8 cases, rectal mass found by digital exam in 4 cases, anemia in 2 cases, peritonitis sigh in one and negative finding in 2 cases. All 17 cases underwent abdominal ultrasound; abdominal mass was detected in 8 cases, localized thickening of colorectal wall in 2 cases, and no abnormal finding in 7 cases. CT scanning revealed abdominal mass in 8 cases, localized thickening of colorectal wall in 5 cases, and no abnormal finding in 4 cases. Colorectal lesions were observed in fourteen of 15 cases with endoscopy, and colitis cystica profunda was determined by endoscopy with biopsy in one case. Barium examination was in 8 cases, localized thickening of colorectal wall in 2 cases, tumor-like lesion in 5 cases and diffuse disease in one. All cases underwent surgery, with smooth recovery and discharge, and there was no recurrence of disease during the follow-up. Conclusions: The medical conservative treatment was the choice of therapy, and the surgery is indicated in colitis cystica profunda cases when it is difficult to distinguish with malignant disease.
%K 囊性结肠炎,外科,鉴别
Colitis Cystica Profunda %K Surgery %K Differential Diagnosis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=18715