%0 Journal Article
%T 原癌基因网络的最小生成树分析
The Analysis of Minimum Spanning Tree of Proto-Oncogene Network
%A 韦芳萍
%A 蓝贞雄
%J Biophysics
%P 49-55
%@ 2330-1694
%D 2016
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/BIPHY.2016.44004
Human proto-oncogene is a gene which has a very close relationship with human cancer. It is possible to make the normal cells cancerous and cause cancer, when the structure of human proto-oncogene changed or it is over-expressed. Using the complex network theory to study the evolutionary and genetic relationship between proto-oncogene and cancer, the research shows that the conclusion is in good agreement with the actual situation. This paper studies the evolutionary and genetic relationship of the proto-oncogene sequence through constructing complex network and working out the method of minimum spanning tree network according to Prim algorithm, and analyzing three main parameters of network, average degree, average cluster coefficient, and average shortest path.
%K 原癌基因,CVTree方法,复杂网络,最小生成树
Proto-Oncogene Sequence
%K CVTree Method
%K Complex Network
%K Minimum Spanning Tree
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=18981