%0 Journal Article %T Optimization by Thermodynamics in Time Finished of a Cold Store with Mechanical Compression of the Vapors %A L. Okotaka Ebale %A B. Mabiala %A D. Nkounkou Tomodiatounga %J Journal of Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control %P 139-152 %@ 2162-6170 %D 2016 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jectc.2016.64013 %X

This study made it possible to determine by the application of thermodynamics in finished time, the points of instruction necessary to the development of a regulation system for the rationalization of the power consumption in a cold store. These points were obtained by determining the optimal variations of temperature as well to the condenser and the evaporator corresponding to the minimum capacity absorptive by the compressor for a maximum COP.

%K Thermodynamics in Finished Time %K Rationalization of Energy %K Maximum Refrigerating Power %K Optimal Variations of Temperature %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=72861