%0 Journal Article %T Internal Rotation of Cyclopentadienyl Rings in Ferrocene Derivatives %A Yutaka Okada %A Shoko Yamamoto %A Yoshinori Namba %A Takahiro Masuda %A Kazuhisa Sakamoto %J Spectral Analysis Review %P 41-48 %@ 2331-2106 %D 2016 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/sar.2016.44004 %X The relaxation time of several ferrocene derivatives was measured, and the internal rotation was discussed. For almost all the derivatives, the degree of the internal rotation was constant in spite of the different molecular weights. However, for (triphenylmethyl)ferrocene, the rotation of the unsubstituted ring would be slower due to the bulkiness of the substituent. Furthermore, the derivatives that have a hydroxyl- or acetyl group on the substituent were also discussed. Their rotation would be influenced by the location of these substituents. %K Ferrocene %K Internal Rotation %K NMR Relaxation Time %K Partial Molar Volume %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=72905