%0 Journal Article %T Anionic Nanochanneled Silver-Deficient Oxalatochromate(III) Complex with Hydroxonium as Counter Ion: Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structure %A Cl¨¦mence T. Eboga %A Gouet Bebga %A Yves A. Mbiangu¨¦ %A Emmanuel N. Nfor %A Patrick L. Djonwouo %A Michel M. B¨¦lomb¨¦ %A Justin Nenwa %J Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry %P 75-87 %@ 2161-7414 %D 2017 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojic.2017.73005 %X Reaction of Ba0.50[Ag2Cr(C2O4)3]·5H2O with Ag2SO4 in an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid (pH ¡Ö 3) yielded the silver(I)/chromium(III) oxalate salt H0.50[Ag2.50Cr(C2O4)3]·5H2O (1). Compound 1 can be best described as an anionic silver-deficient oxalatochromate(III) complex [Ag2.50Cr(C2O4)3]0.5- with nanochannels containing hydrogen-bonded water molecules and protons. Thermal analyses show significant weight losses corresponding to the elimination of water molecules of crystallization followed by the decomposition of the network. %K Silver-Deficient Oxalatochromate(III) %K Water-Filled Nanochannels %K Protons %K Thermal Analysis %K Crystal Structure %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=77720