%0 Journal Article %T On Decomposition of New Kinds of Continuity in Bitopological Space %A H. Al-Malki %A S. Al-Blowi %J International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application %P 98-103 %@ 2167-9487 %D 2017 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ijmnta.2017.63009 %X In many papers, new classes of sets had been studied in topological space, then the notion of continuity between any two topological spaces (a function from X to Y is continuous if the inverse image of each open set of Y is open in X) is studied via this new classes of sets. Here the authors also introduce new classes of sets called pj-b-preopen, pj-b-B set, pj-b-t set, pj-b-semi-open and pj-sb-generalized closed set in bitopological space [1] which is a set with two topologies defined on it, then they study the notion of continuity via this set and introduce some of the theories which are studying the decomposition of continuity via this set in bitopological space. %K < %K i> %K pj< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K b< %K /i> %K -Preopen %K < %K i> %K pj< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K b< %K /i> %K -Semiopen %K < %K i> %K pj< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K b< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K t< %K /i> %K Set %K < %K i> %K pj< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K b< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K B< %K /i> %K Set %K < %K i> %K pj< %K /i> %K -< %K i> %K sb< %K /i> %K -Generalized Closed %K Bitopological Space %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78124