%0 Journal Article %T Efficient Harmonic Analysis Technique for Prediction of IGS Real-Time Satellite Clock Corrections %A Mohamed Elsayed Elsobeiey %J Positioning %P 37-45 %@ 2150-8526 %D 2017 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/pos.2017.83003 %X Real-time satellite orbit and clock corrections obtained from the broadcast ephemerides can be improved using IGS real-time service (RTS) products. Recent research showed that applying such corrections for broadcast ephemerides can significantly improve the RMS of the estimated coordinates. However, unintentional streaming interruption may happen for many reasons such as software or hardware failure. Streaming interruption, if happened, will cause sudden degradation of the obtained solution if only the broadcast ephemerides are used. A better solution can be obtained in real-time if the predicted part of the ultra-rapid products is used. In this paper, Harmonic analysis technique is used to predict the IGS RTS corrections using historical broadcasted data. It is shown that using the predicted clock corrections improves the RMS of the estimated coordinates by about 72%, 58%, and 72% in latitude, longitude, and height directions, respectively and reduces the 2D and 3D errors by about 80% compared with the predicted part of the IGS ultra-rapid clock corrections. %K Real-Time Service %K Clock Prediction %K Precise Point Positioning %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78814