%0 Journal Article %T Surface Oxide Protection of Si(111) in Solution by the Surfactant Molecules %A Toshihito Ohtake %A Ken-ichiro Iijima %J Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology %P 61-68 %@ 2161-489X %D 2017 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jsemat.2017.74006 %X It has been attempted to immobilize organic mono layer on semiconductor surface as functional materials. Silicon surface was especially noticed to develop highly efficient and functional devices, and the silicon devices were expected for the immobilized surface with organic layer. Then we have attempted the immobilization by the mono layer on the hydrogen terminated silicon surface with the alkyl base indicated hydrophobic by using a surfactant. We have observed interactions of immobilized molecules and organic molecules adsorbed on hydrogen terminated Si(111), which is aerosol OT as known surfactant and 4-cyanophenol as shown amphipathic molecule. The aerosol OT inhibited oxidation of Si(111) surface by adsorption to the hydrogen terminated surface to indicate hydrophobic. The 4-cyanophenol made the surface oxide by adsorption, and was desorbed by forming hydrophilic Si surface. In the case of the mixed solution by the aerosol OT and 4-cyanophenol, the aerosol OT controlled the surface oxidation on the hydrogen terminated Si against the 4-cyanophenol. %K Adsorption %K Silicon %K Hydrogen Termination %K Amphipathic %K < %K i> %K In-Situ< %K /i> %K ATR-FTIR %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79574