%0 Journal Article %T A Demand Generation Model to Stimulate Tourists¡¯ Purchase Intent in Zimbambwe %A Mandina Siphiwe P %A Masere Victoria S %J Africa International journal of management education and Governance %P 1-11 %@ 2518-0827 %D 2016 %R - %X Zimbabwe is host to one of the natural wonders of the world; the Victoria Falls, thus tourism is one of the four pillars anchoring the revival of the economy of Zimbabwe. Tourism has played a very significant role in the development of the national economy taking advantage of its most diversified tourism resource base. Focus of this study is on Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) lodges in Victoria Falls. The crux of this paper is to stimulate demand for hotel services from both international and local tourists in line with social services and poverty eradication for MSME lodges, which in turn may reduce joblessness in the country¡¯s MSME lodges. Hotel services are perishable therefore inevitably lead to demand and supply challenges for managers. The study seeks to encompass demand management strategies from a marketing and economics perspective. The researchers therefore propose a demand generation model for stimulating tourist purchase intent. %K Hospitality %K Msmes %K Victoria Falls %K Demand Generation %K Tourists %K Lodge %U http://www.oircjournals.org/images/journals/A-Demand-Generation-Model-to-Stimulate-Tourists_-Purchase-Intent-in-Zimbambwe.pdf