%0 Journal Article %T Nurturing Tacitk Knowledge Through a Knowledge Centred culture for organisation Agility. %A Ributhi Jane Njoki£¬Dr. Eng. Thomas A. Senaji %J Africa International journal of management education and Governance %P 1-10 %@ 2518-0827 %D 2017 %R - %X Organizations are battling with unending demand for improved and quality service delivery from her customers. This requires new approaches to knowledge culture that facilitates sharing of tacit knowledge among all the stakeholders of an organization. Service delivery has been one of the major focus areas of organizational transformation and public sector reforms in Kenyan Government. Competition among the players pushes the organizations to come up with strategies of becoming and remaining agile. Organizations are realizing the importance of knowledge centered culture to enable them share knowledge efficiently and effectively as knowledge that is not well managed and shared corrodes easily. The concern of this paper is that existing tacit knowledge may be lost if not tapped. Failure of tapping into tacit knowledge affects organizational agility negatively. How to retain or tap tacit knowledge remains an area of interest to researchers. This paper foresees an urgent need of coming up with the most effective mechanisms for tapping tacit knowledge within the organization. Tacit knowledge according to this paper is meant to be that knowledge that is intrinsic, in form of ideas experiences and emotions. Knowledge centered culture is taken to mean an organizational culture that allows knowledge related activities which later necessitates smooth flow of knowledge. Organizational agility is seen as that organization that is able to swiftly manage change, pursue opportunities and maintain competitive advantage while remaining a learning organization and innovative. %K Knowledge centered culture %K tacit knowledge sharing %K organizational agility %U http://www.oircjournals.org/images/uniterevolution/main-slider/images/journalsdocs/NUTURINGTACITKKNOWLEDGETHROUGHAKNOWLEDGECENTEREDCULTUREFORORGANIZATIONALAGILITY.pdf