%0 Journal Article %T Quasi-Rational Canonical Forms of a Matrix over a Number Field %A Zhudeng Wang %A Qing Wang %A Nan Qin %J Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory %P 1-10 %@ 2165-3348 %D 2018 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/alamt.2018.81001 %X A matrix is similar to Jordan canonical form over the complex field and the rational canonical form over a number field, respectively. In this paper, we further study the rational canonical form of a matrix over any number field. We firstly discuss the elementary divisors of a matrix over a number field. Then, we give the quasi-rational canonical forms of a matrix by combining Jordan and the rational canonical forms. Finally, we show that a matrix is similar to its quasi-rational canonical forms over a number field. %K Matrix %K Jordan Canonical Form %K Rational Canonical Form %K Quasi-Rational Canonical Form %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81645