%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of the Relation between Particle Matter Concentration and Meteorological Parameter at Montevideo City %A Jos¨¦ Cataldo %A Alice Elizabeth Gonz¨˘lez %J Open Journal of Air Pollution %P 120-139 %@ 2169-2661 %D 2018 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojap.2018.72007 %X We present an analysis of particle matter (MP) concentration measured at three stations located in the department of Montevideo, Uruguay. The Montevideo Council and the National Directorate of the Environment of Uruguay are interested in analyzing the possibility of predicting unsettling air quality events by other means not directly related to build and operate a real time air quality monitoring network. A strong correlation between measurements in different air quality stations especially along events of high concentration was obtained; it is intended to be associated with a distributed source. In such cases, high correlation was also found between the pollutant concentration and the meteorological variables temperature, wind velocity and mixing layer depth. As there is no air quality available data in real time, an accurate prediction of meteorological variables seems to be a good option for properly forecasting of air quality in Montevideo city, especially in terms of MP concentrations. %K Air Quality %K Particle Matter Pollution %K Atmospheric Boundary Layer %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85282