%0 Journal Article %T Exploring the Identification and Effects of ˇ°Opinion Leaderˇ± under Different Information Release Strategies %A Si Yang %J Social Networking %P 156-169 %@ 2169-3323 %D 2018 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/sn.2018.73013 %X
This paper systematically analyzes the models and processes related to wordof- mouth spreading in social networks. This paper simulates the characteristics and rules of word-of-mouth spreading on social network platforms, adopts network evolution models as well as virus spreading models which can precisely reflect the process of word-of-mouth spreading. By computer simulation, the effect of several kinds of parameters in networks and in wordof- mouth spreading model is analyzed. What has been proved, through parameter analysis, is that the secondary ˇ°pushˇ± of the key node (opinion leader) in social networks has played a significant role in promoting word-of-mouth spreading. In practical applications, shopkeepers can act appropriately to the situation, which means they put in a second period of advertise appropriately after placing one advertisement at random in order to save costs and increase efficiency.
%K Social Network %K Nodes Influence %K Online Word-of-Mouth %K Multi-Agent Simulation %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86092