%0 Journal Article %T Potential Legal Issues and Care Implications during Care-Prevention Gymnastic Exercises for the Elderly Using Pepper in Long Term Health Care Facilities %A Ryuichi Tanioka %A Rozzano Locsin %A Yuko Yasuhara %A Tetsuya Tanioka %J Intelligent Control and Automation %P 85-93 %@ 2153-0661 %D 2018 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ica.2018.93007 %X In Japan, the shortage of personnel is a problem in long-term care nursing and rehabilitative care prevention. Nevertheless, Japan has taken measures to compensate for these shortages by promoting medical and nursing care activities using robotic technologies, and employing human resources from overseas. The purpose of this study was to determine potential legal issues and subsequent implications for care during prevention gymnastic exercises for the elderly using Pepper in long-term health facilities. The application program of Care-Prevention Gymnastics Exercises for Pepper (Pepper with CPGE) was made by the Xing Company Japan. Currently, care workers become intermediaries for the safe use of Pepper with CPGE. However, it was realized that some legal issues may arise if Pepper with CPGE alone will carry out these preventive care programs for the elderly without the presence of care workers as intermediaries. In this situation, using Pepper with CPGE alone to conduct care prevention gymnastics will require safety measures to prevent these possible practice issues and anticipate implications for care. In this regard, determining detailed target levels of rehabilitation exercise demands and environmental setting safety become essential factors. The use of humanoid robots in healthcare is expected to influence more practice protocols in contemporary and futurist rehabilitative human care. The identification of possible safety issues in performance and environmental situations, and implications for care are critical to ensure safe and valuable rehabilitative health care practices for the elderly population. %K Potential Legal Issues %K Care-Prevention Gymnastic Exercises %K Elderly %K Pepper %K Long-Term Health Facilities %K Application Program %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86859