%0 Journal Article %T Paradigm Evolution in the Context of Environmental Security %A S. Abdulali Ghavam %A S. Masoumeh Mostafavi2 %J International Journal of Nations Research %P 7-28 %@ 2476-6461 %D 2018 %R - %X During the years after the World War II, the environmental security was highly considered in international relations by the governments. In decades, the international treaties under the title of the modernity crisis and its effects on environmental security have been raised. In addition, the issue of environmental security was also seriously addressed in international relations theories. Accordingly, the present study seeks to answer this fundamental question: What main topics and issues have been raised by the international relations theories about the paradigm evolution of the environmental security? In this regard, within the years after 1991, the Cold War, issues such as global warming, the destruction of green spaces, and the destructive effects of modernity were firstly criticized by social theorists, and then it was particularly considered by the great theories on international relations such as realism and liberalism. Realists essentially consider the issue of environmental security by focusing on the maintaining global security; whereas, the liberals focus on the environmental security as the public cooperation to maintain international order not as a security issue. %K Environmental Security %K Paradigm Evolution %K Realism %K Liberalism %K Climate Change %U http://www.rnmagz.com/images/PDF34/RNmagz-34-1.pdf