%0 Journal Article %T STRATEGIES FOR STATES TO BECOME GLOBAL AND REGIONAL POWERS %A Yasemin Konukcu %J Uluslararas£¿ Ekonomi, Siyaset, £¿nsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi %P 203-2014 %@ 2636-8137 %D 2018 %R - %X The main purpose of this article is to analyze the tools that active states at the global and regional level use to create the domain of influence. In this framework, the concept of hegemony is assessed and institutional and culutral structures that operate beyond direct oppression are examined. The concept of hegemony emphasizes the inadequacy of unilateral imperatives as a rooted paradigm in the literature of international relations. The power of hegemony is a strategic power feature that is open to sharing or does not introduce imbalances. In this context, institutionalization is the main strategic step creating hegemony on a global scale. On the other hand, regional states, seek to reinforce their powers by organizing various elements. In this study, the dynamics of the multi-polar world order were evaluated by considering the strategies that the states at both levels were following. %K Hegemony %K Institutionalization %K Strategic Power. %U http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/554527