%0 Journal Article %T 我国职业教育政策的变迁逻辑与未来走向 %A 祁占勇 %A 王佳昕 %A 安莹莹 %J 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.01.013 %X 摘要 改革开放以来,我国职业教育政策发展经历了中等教育结构调整阶段(1978-1995年)、职业教育多样化探索阶段(1996-2010年)和建立现代职业教育体系阶段(2010年至今)三个阶段。在这一进程中,职业教育政策发展遵循着以管理体制调整为手段的职业教育政策形成的动力机制、以政策价值为导向的职业教育政策目标的价值取向、以人与财的规范为抓手的职业教育政策实施的过程保障、以经济学话语为主导的职业教育政策话语的文化规则的演进逻辑。中国特色、世界水平的现代职业教育体系的建立必将对职业教育政策的发展提出新的挑战,职业教育政策的未来走向需要实现动力形成机制由"权责不明"向"统一协调"转变、价值取向由"单一功利"向"多元取向"转变、过程保障由"监管与保障缺乏"向"强化监督与保障"转变、政策话语由"官方主导"向"民意参与"转变的转型与深化。</br>Abstract:The vocational education policy in China since 1978 has undergone three stages:adjustment of secondary education structure(1978-1995), exploration of vocational education (1996-2010), and establishment of modern vocational education system (2010). Using different orientation analysis models,the authors argue that the evolution logic in the development of vocational education policy can be summarized as follows:the dynamic mechanism by means of management system adjustment, the policy value orientation of vocational education goals, the process assurance of the implementation of vocational education policy based on specification of people and property, the cultural rules of vocational education policy discourse dominated by economic discourse. Finally, the paper discusses the future trend of vocational education policy. First, the formation mechanism should be changed from "ambiguity of power and duties" to "unified coordination". Second, the value orientation should be changed from "single utility" to "multi orientation". Third, the policy of vocational education should be changed from "lack of supervision"to"strict supervision". Fourth, the policy discourse should be changed from "government-oriented" to "public participation". %K 职业教育政策 %K 动力机制 %K 价值取向 %K 过程保障 %K 政策话语 %K < %K /br> %K vocational education policy %K dynamic mechanism %K value orientation %K process support %K culture rules %U http://xbjk.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract9118.shtml