%0 Journal Article %T 我国产业形态与现代学徒制的互动关系研究——基于企业专家陈述的实证分析 %A 濮海慧 %A 徐国庆 %J 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.01.014 %X 摘要 为准确把握我国产业对现代学徒制的需求,本研究采用专家会议法对文化创意产业、高端制造业、现代服务业的产业代表进行访谈,对结果进行深入文本分析后发现:产业是否需要现代学徒制模式受产业运行方式和生产组织方式影响,而不是由产业类型或技术水平决定;产业对现代学徒制的需求与生产的确定性和标准化程度呈负相关;不同产业类别对现代学徒制的需求各具特征,改造后的传统产业的现代学徒制应重视手艺的传承与创新、高端制造产业的现代学徒制应重视复杂情境的判断与决策、现代服务产业的现代学徒制应重视资源积累;借鉴德国的产业运行方式有利于我国现代学徒制的试点。</br>Abstract:In order to comprehend China's industrial demand for modern apprenticeship, expert meeting approach is adopted in this research. Experts from cultural creative industry, high-end manufacturing industry and modern service industry made presentations at the meeting respectively. Based on the in-depth analysis of their statements, we draw the following conclusions. Firstly, whether the industry needs modern apprenticeship is not determined by the industry type or technical level, but influenced by the industry operation mode and manufacturing organization mode. Secondly, the industry's demand for apprenticeship is negatively correlated with the certainty of the products and the standardization level of the manufacturing. Thirdly, the demand of different industries for modern apprenticeship has its own characteristics. Modern apprenticeship in transformed traditional industry puts more emphasis on inheritance and innovation. High-end manufacturing industry attaches more importance to judging and decision making. Resource accumulation is a major concern in modern service industry. Finally, learning from the operation mode of the German industry will be conducive to the pilot reform of China's modern apprenticeship. %K 产业形态 %K 运行方式 %K 现代学徒制 %K < %K /br> %K industry form %K operation mode %K modern apprenticeship %U http://xbjk.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract9119.shtml