%0 Journal Article %T 教师工作环境的经济价值:基于地区经济地理特征的工资成本补偿 %A 马红梅 %A 雷万鹏 %A 钱佳 %J 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.012 %X 摘要 在边远艰苦的贫穷地区,生活和工作条件更加艰苦,地区经济地理环境对当地公共事业部门工作人员的职业效用产生了负面影响,需提供经济上的补偿才能弥补这种心理收益的损失,亦即,这些负面环境特征增加了当地同等质量公共服务的劳动力成本。基于特征工资理论关于岗位环境特征具有"消费"效用价值的假设,文章从理论层面讨论了教师工资成本补偿的测算技术及其公共财政意义。根据岗位环境的舒适程度"差异化"测算教师工资成本,在此基础上再进一步考虑各地教育系统教师规模即可核算地区工资成本,这个思路为基础教育财政补偿制度建设和地区津补贴政策评估提供了理论指导和应用技术。</br>Abstract:The paper offers a theoretical framework for approximating geographic cost of teacher index (GCTI) by taking into account of (un) desirabilities of teachers' working conditions. Hedonic price theory serves as the theoretical underpinning for interpreting of earning function in poor and remote neighborhoods. It argues that compensating wage differentials can be estimated and adjusted by numbers of teachers recruited within each geographic region, then aggregated at higher administrative levels. Also, GCTI provides both conceptual framework and empirical strategy for financing education service of comparable quality across different geographic spaces. In addition, the GCTI-weighted formula makes it technically feasible to evaluate current policies targeting at providing equal accesses to quality education for residents dwelling in hard-to-teach areas. %K 消费型补偿 %K 教师工作环境 %K 地区工资成本指数 %K < %K /br> %K compensating wage differentials %K teachers' working conditions %K geographic cost of teacher index %U http://xbjk.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract9183.shtml