%0 Journal Article %T 加快转变我国对外经济发展方式的战略思考 %A 唐海燕 %A 李秀珍 %J 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.04.015 %X 摘要 在全面开放新格局下,我国对外经济发展方式转变已经进入新时代。因此,在评估已取得成效的基础上,结合新时代和新要求对进一步加快转变我国对外经济发展方式作出宏观层面上的分析,是十分必要的。已有研究对我国对外经济发展方式转变所取得成效的综合性评价还处于探索阶段,并且主要针对的是对外贸易领域。有鉴于此,构建包括对外投融资与国际经济合作、资源环境等因素的更为全面的综合评价指标体系,基于主成分分析法(PCA)开展测度,不仅可以发现十多年来我国对外经济发展方式转变整体上处于不断优化的过程,而且也可以明确今后转变的取向。在全面开放新格局下,进一步加快转变我国对外经济发展方式必须坚持"五大发展理念",必须与国内经济发展方式转变形成联动机制,必须基于全球价值链分工体系,必须坚持稳中求进的总基调,必须围绕供给侧结构性改革这根主线,必须优先处理好中美经贸关系。</br>Abstract: Under the new pattern of comprehensive opening up, transformation of China's foreign economic development mode has entered into a new era. Therefore, on the basis of evaluating the existing achievements, it is very necessary to make a macro analysis on how to accelerate the transformation of China's foreign economic development mode, combining with new requirements in the new era. The comprehensive evaluation about transformation achievements of China's foreign economic development mode is still at an exploratory stage, and related evaluation mainly pays attention to foreign trade. So building a more comprehensive evaluation index system, including foreign investment and financing, international economic cooperation, resource and environment, and then measuring transformation achievements based on the Principal Component Analysis(PCA), can not only find the overall optimization process of China's foreign economic development mode transformation in the past more than 10 years, but also make clear the transformation orientation in the future. In the new pattern of opening up, China, to speed up foreign economic development mode transformation, should adhere to five development concepts, form a linkage mechanism with the transformation of domestic economic development mode, take the global value chain division system as a basis, stick to the general tone of making progress while maintaining stability, focus on the main line of structural reform of supply side, and deal with preferentially the economic and trade relations between China and the United States. %K 对外经济 %K 发展方式转变 %K 全面开放新格局 %K 评估指标体系 %K 主成分分析法(PCA) %K < %K /br> %K foreign economic %K development mode transformation %K new pattern of comprehensive opening up %K evaluation index system %K principal component analysis(PCA) %U http://xbzs.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract11262.shtml