%0 Journal Article %T 血脉与学脉:从颜元的人伦困境看他的学术思想——一个心理史学的尝试 %A 王东杰 %J 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.001 %X 摘要 清初思想家颜元在为养祖母治丧期间,得知自己身世的真相;也在同一时期,他在学术上从服膺程朱转向了"回归"孔孟。从心理史学的角度看,这两个过程的平行并非偶然。颜元一向以圣贤自期,却深受养祖父的压抑,长期处于心理紧张状态;在学术方面,他也早在不自觉中对朱子学说产生了疑问。身世之变给了他一个解决认同危机的机遇,使其同时完成血脉和学脉两个层面上的"认祖归宗"。此外,颜元也终生面临着延嗣的困扰。这些人伦困境造成了颜元学术思想中血脉意识和学统观念的彼此互渗。</br>Abstract:YAN Yuan,a greater thinker in the early Qing Dynasty,discovered his real parentage during the funeral of his adoptive grandmother. At the same time,he transferred his intellectual direction from admiring CHENG-ZHU to "returning to" Confucius-Mencius. From the perspective of psychohistory,the phenomenon that these two changes happened at the same time was not accidental at all. YAN always expected to be a sage but was greatly depressed by his adoptive grandfather. Meanwhile,he had unconsciously suspected the doctrine of ZHU Xi for a long time. The discovery of his real parentage offered him an opportunity to solve the identity crisis through finding his origin in the bloodline as well as in the intellectual lineage. In addition, YAN faced the problem of not having an heir all his life. These ethical problems caused the interplay of YAN's awareness of the bloodline and that of the intellectual lineage. %K 颜元 %K 人伦困境 %K 认同危机 %K 心理史学 %K < %K /br> %K YAN Yuan %K ethical predicament %K identity crisis %K psychohistory %U http://xbzs.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract11267.shtml