%0 Journal Article %T 左拟中插式Gamma算子在Orlicz空间中的逼近性质 %A 韩领兄 %J 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.02.004 %X 摘要 为了得到更快的逼近速度,人们开始研究算子的拟中插式的逼近性质.在Orlicz空间中讨论左拟中插式Gamma算子的逼近性质,利用了Ditzian-Totik模与K-泛函的等价性、H?lder不等式、Cauchy-Schwarz不等式和Laguerre多项式等等工具得到了逼近的正、逆和等价定理,推广了左拟中插式Gamma算子在Lp空间中的逼近结果,改进了Gamma算子在Orlicz空间的逼近性质.</br>Abstract:In order to reach better approximation degree, people start to study the quasiinterpolants of operators. In this paper, approximation properties of left quasi-interpolants Gamma operators are discussed by the tools of Ditizan-Totik modulus, K-functional, H?lder's inequality, Cauchy-Schwarz's inequality and Laguerre polynomials and so on. Then we obtain the direct, inverse and equivalence theorems which generalize the results of left quasi-interpolants Gamma operators in Lp space and improve the approximation properties of Gamma operators in Orlicz spaces. %K 左拟中插式Gamma算子 %K K-泛函 %K 连续模 %K 等价定理< %K /br> %K Key words: left quasi-interpolants Gamma operator K-functional modulus of smoothness equivalence theorem %U http://xblk.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract25486.shtml