%0 Journal Article %T 集值隐函数的似-Lipschitz性和相依导数 %A 王丽娜 %A 方志苗 %A 李明华 %J 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.01.003 %X 摘要 通过引入关键性假设,证明关键性假设与集值隐函数的Robinson度量正则性等价,并且在适当条件下证明了这个关键性假设是集值隐函数的似-Lipschitz性的充分条件.最后建立了集值函数的相依导数和二阶相依导数表达式.</br>Abstract:In this paper by introducing a key assumption, we prove that the key assumption is equivalent to the Robinson metric regularity of the implicit multifunction and that under some suitable conditions the key assumption is sufficient for the Lipschitz-likeness (metric regularity) of the implicit multifunction. Finally, we establish the specific expressions of the contingent derivative and the second-order contingent derivative for the implicit multifunction. %K 集值隐函数 %K Robinson度量正则性 %K 似-Lipschitz性 %K 相依导数< %K /br> %K Key words: implictit multifunction Robinson metric regularity Lipschitz-likeness contingent derivative %U http://xblk.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract25469.shtml