%0 Journal Article %T 地震数据关系网络的空间尺度 %A 何璇 %A 王卢阳 %A 赵海 %A 刘晓 %J 东北大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2018.10.004 %X 摘要 通过分析美国加州地区地震数据关系网络的拓扑结构特征,研究了不同空间尺度下网络拓扑结构基本度量参数的变化规律.结果表明:随着空间尺度的增加,网络规模迅速变小,并最终达到稳定;网络的平均聚集系数和平均最短路径长度随空间尺度的增加呈波动性下降.度分布频度研究结果表明,网络的空间尺度在一个有效范围内时,网络呈现出较好的幂律分布,该范围受事件数量影响.</br>Abstract:By analyzing the topological structural characteristics of the earthquake data relation network in the California region of the United States, the changing rules of the basic metric parameters of the network topological structure under different space scales were studied. The results showed that with the increase of the space scales, the network scale rapidly becomes smaller and eventually reaches stability. The average clustering coefficient and the average shortest path length of the network decrease with fluctuations as space scales increase. The results of degree distribution frequency showed that when the space scales of the network are within a valid range, the network presents a better power-law distribution, which is affected by the number of events. %K 复杂网络 %K 地震数据关系网络 %K 空间尺度 %K 拓扑结构 %K 幂律分布< %K /br> %K Key words: complex network earthquake data relation network space scales topological structure power-law distribution %U http://xuebao.neu.edu.cn/natural/CN/abstract/abstract10700.shtml