%0 Journal Article %T Designed Breathalyzer Machine for Workplaces and Alcohol Drinking Places %A Yavuz Bahad£¿r KOCA %A Y£¿lmaz ASLAN %A Y¨¹ksel O£¿UZ %A Ahmet Y£¿NETKEN %J Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences %P 11-14 %D 2018 %R - %X It is determined that the alcohol content of the drivers is measured by the alcoholmeter.The result of the measurement shows the ratio between the alcohol content and the amount of blood in terms of promil.Promil shows how many milligrams of alcohol in every hundred milligrams of blood.In this study an arduino microcontroller based alcohol meter device is designed.This device is intended to be installed in places such as alcohol drinking places such as pubs and working with a coin reader.A device has been developed for people who drink alcohol to measure their alcohol levels with a pipette blow.The accuracy of the device was compared with the alcohol meter devices used in the market.As a result of the measurements, accuracy analyses were performed and the error remained less than %3 in all cases. %K Alcohol detection system %K Accident prevention system %K Arduino %U http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/606778