%0 Journal Article %T NOMMT/SBS复合改性沥青流变性能 %A 郭乃胜 %A 荆华龙 %A 刘超 %A 赵颖华 %J 大连海事大学学报 %D 2018 %X 为了研究纳米有机蒙脱土(NOMMT)与SBS两种改性剂对沥青流变性能的影响,采用熔融插层复合法,将改性剂与基质沥青熔融共混,制备了6种不同NOMMT、SBS改性剂掺量的NOMMT/SBS复合改性沥青.通过动态剪切流变(DSR)与弯曲梁流变(BBR)试验,分析不同的温度、NOMMT及SBS掺量和老化条件下的沥青流变性能.结果表明,SBS改性剂对基质沥青的高温稳定性和低温抗裂性具有良好的改善作用,且改善效果与SBS掺量有关;添加NOMMT不仅可有效增强SBS改性沥青的高温稳定性和低温抗裂性,而且显著提高其抗老化性能.此外,在研究的NOMMT和SBS掺量范围内,添加2%NOMMT和3%SBS改性沥青老化前后的高温稳定性和低温抗裂性最好.</br>In order to study the influence of two kinds of modifiers, nano-organic montmorillonite (NOMMT) and SBS on the rheological properties of asphalt, 6 kinds of NOMMT/SBS modified asphalt with different NOMMT and SBS contents were prepared by melt intercalation composite method, and the rheological properties of asphalt under different temperature, NOMMT and SBS contents and aging conditions were analyzed by using the dynamic shear rheological (DSR) and bending beam rheological (BBR) tests. Results show that the high temperature stability and low temperature cracking resistance of basic asphalt are significantly improved by the addition of SBS, and that is SBS dependence. The addition of NOMMT can not only significantly enhance the high temperature stability and low temperature cracking resistance, but also effectively increase the aging resistance of SBS modified asphalt. The high temperature stability and low temperature cracking resistance of the modified asphalt are the best before and after aging with the addition of 2%NOMMT and 3%SBS. %K 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308084) %K 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(3132017029) %K 辽宁公路科技创新重点科研项目(201701). %U http://xb.dlmu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract504.shtml