%0 Journal Article %T Deep-Sea Geohazards in the South China Sea Deep-Sea Geohazards in the South China Sea %A WU Shiguo %A WANG Dawei %A V?LKER David %J 中国海洋大学学报(英文版) %D 2018 %X Various geological processes and features that might inflict hazards identified in the South China Sea by using new technologies and methods.These features include submarine landslides,pockmark fields,shallow free gas,gas hydrates,mud diapirs and earthquake tsunami,which are widely distributed in the continental slope and reefal islands of the South China Sea.Although the study and assessment of geohazards in the South China Sea came into operation only recently,advances in various aspects are evolving at full speed to comply with National Marine Strategy and‘the Belt and Road’Policy.The characteristics of geohazards in deep-water seafloor of the South China Sea are summarized based on new scientific advances.This progress is aimed to aid ongoing deep-water drilling activities and decrease geological risks in ocean development %U http://qdhb.cbpt.cnki.net/WKD/WebPublication/paperDigest.aspx?paperID=7c15b5f3-2469-4c94-ba58-e93267dc6232