%0 Journal Article %T 基于自然驾驶数据的驾驶员紧急制动行为特征 %A 吴斌 %A 朱西产 %A 沈剑平 %J 同济大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2018.11.007 %X 基于中国自然驾驶数据,建立了紧急工况下制动避撞的驾驶员模型,分析了驾驶员的紧急制动反应时间和紧急制动输入特性的规律特征.结果表明:驾驶员的紧急制动反应时间与驾驶工况的紧急程度相关,以碰撞时刻倒数的临界值0.2 s-1作为危险触发阈值,驾驶员的紧急制动反应时间分布为均值0.5 s的正态分布;最大制动减速度随驾驶工况紧急程度变化不明显,最大制动减速度梯度随驾驶工况紧急程度的增加而增加.</br>Based on China naturalistic driving data, a driver model for emergency braking was set up and the general characteristics of driver’s braking behavior were analyzed. The results show that the driver’s emergency braking response time is related to the urgency of emergency scenario. By taking the inverse of time to collision 0.2 s-1 as dangerous trigger threshold, the driver’s emergency braking reaction time is the normal distribution of mean 0.5 s. The maximum braking deceleration do not vary with the urgency of the scenarios. The maximum braking deceleration jerk increases with the urgency of the scenarios %K 自然驾驶数据 紧急制动 驾驶行为< %K /br> %K naturalistic driving data emergency braking driver’s behavior %U http://tjxb.cnjournals.cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=17585&flag=1