%0 Journal Article %T 可换BR0-代数在一般集合上的蕴涵表示形式<br>Representative forms of commutative BR0-algebras on a set by implication operator %A 刘春辉 %J 山东大学学报(理学版) %D 2018 %R 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.035 %X 摘要: 基于对可换BR0-代数的定义和性质的深入研究和分析, 放弃对格的要求, 在一般集合上以蕴涵算子为基本算子给出了可换BR0-代数的几种等价表示形式。 进一步简化了可换BR0-代数的定义形式, 使其在形式上更加突出逻辑代数的一般特征及其与其它逻辑代数间的联系和区别。 为揭示可换BR0-代数的特征及其与其它逻辑代数间的关系提供了依据。<br>Abstract: By the further study of the definition and properties of commutative BR0-algebras, some equivalent forms of commutative BR0-algebras are obtained on a set by using implication operator. This work not only further simplifies the definition of commutative BR0-algebras, but also conforms commutative BR0-algebras to the features of logical algebras in definition. It provides a basis for studying the relations between commutative BR0-algebras and other logical algebras %K 可换BR< %K sub> %K 0< %K /sub> %K -代数 %K 蕴涵算子 %K 逻辑代数 %K 模糊逻辑 %K 集合 %K < %K br> %K logical algebra %K fuzzy logic %K set %K commutative BR< %K sub> %K 0< %K /sub> %K -algebra %K implication operator %U http://lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn/CN/10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.035