%0 Journal Article %T 支付模糊图合作博弈分配模型及其应用<br>Distribution model of fuzzy graph cooperative games with restricted alliance and its application %A 苏东风 %A 杨 %A 洁 %J 福州大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.7631/issn.1000-224318002 %X 针对限制结盟结构下联盟支付模糊的各局中人收益分配问题,引入λ截集置信水平,提出一种具有区间型特征的支付模糊图合作博弈的模糊A-T解(average tree solution)分配模型. 采用公理化体系对此解的存在性进行证明,且任意局中人收益分配的上下界容易求得. 最后将此方法应用到产学研协同创新收益分配实例中,并通过与Shapley方法比较,表明该方法的可行性和合理性.<br>For a cooperative game with restricted alliances and fuzzy payoffs,a fuzzy A-T solution (average tree solution) distribution model is proposed for the fuzzy graph cooperative game with special interval payoffs by introducing λ confidence level. In addition,we prove the existence of this solution according to an axiomatic system,and the upper and lower bounds of the distribution values are easily obtained. Finally,the allocation method is applied to an allocation of industry-academia-research collaboration innovation,which manifests the feasibility and rationality of this method by comparing with Shapley value %K 图合作博弈 限制结盟 模糊支付 A-T分配值 协同创新< %K br> %K graph cooperative game restricted alliance fuzzy payoffs A-T solution collaborative innovation %U http://xbzrb.fzu.edu.cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=201804002&flag=1