%0 Journal Article %T 地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究<br>Influence factors on the route choice for evacuation in metro station hall %A 刘 %A 毅 %A 沈斐敏 %A 王旭峰 %J 福州大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.7631/issn.1000-2243.17238 %X 基于调查问卷和现场实验探究影响疏散路径选择行为的主要因素,构建结构方程模型,从潜变量的角度对受困人员疏散路径选择行为进行深入研究,揭示在不同应激环境下站厅内受困人员的判断倾向和选择行为特征. 研究表明:① 调查问卷和现场实验这两种方法由于研究对象所处的应激环境不同,导致分析结果存在一定差异;② 光照条件、路径距离(长短)、人流导向以及指示标记对人员疏散路径选择影响较大,且在不同应激状态下各因素的影响效果存在一定差异. 鉴于此,建议在实际应急疏散管理工作中应充分考虑各影响因素对疏散效果的影响,合理设置有效的疏散路径.<br>We investigated the major influencing factors on behavior of evacuation route selection based on combination,questionnaire with evacuation experiment. We also took further research on the behavior of evacuation route selection of trapped men from latent variables perspective by building structural equation model (SEM). The purpose of this study was to reveal the judgment tendency and feature of selection behaviors of people who trapped in underground metro station in different conditions. The results showed that: the analysis results between questionnaire and evacuation experiment were different due to the fact that people were in different stress environments. Illumination condition,route distance,people guidance and familiarity all had important impact on the behavior of evacuation route selection of trapped men,but the influence effects of different influencing factors were not the same because of the different stress conditions. Therefore,managers should make effective use of all influencing factors in actual emergency evacuation management,make sure the evacuation path is effective and reasonable %K 城市交通 疏散路径选择 结构方程模型 地铁站厅< %K br> %K urban traffic evacuation route selection structural equation model underground metro station hall %U http://xbzrb.fzu.edu.cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=201803019&flag=1