%0 Journal Article %T 知识图谱研究进展综述<br>A survey of Knowledge Graph Research Progress %A 汤庸 %A 陈国华 %A 贺超波 %A 彭博< %A br> %A TANG Yong %A CHEN Guohua %A HE Chaobo %A PENG Bo %J 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.6054/j.jscnun.2018107 %X 目前,我们处于大数据时代,海量的数据中蕴含了丰富的价值. 知识图谱建立了如何从数据中挖取和组织知识的技术构架,在实现机器智能的过程中起到关键的作用,得到了广泛关注. 本文首先给出了知识图谱产生的历史背景,其次,介绍了现有的知识库,然后综述了知识图谱领域的关键技术,包换知识抽取、知识整合、知识加工,最后介绍了知识图谱在学术信息服务领域中的应用案例,讨论了学术知识图谱的独特之处和作用,并给出了学术知识图谱的模式设计方案.<br>: We are in the era of big data nowadays, and it contains great value in the huge data. Knowledge graph plays a key role in implementing machine intelligence. In this paper, we first introduce an overview of the history of knowledge graph and present several well-known existing knowledge graphs. Then we give a survey of the key technologies of knowledges, including knowledge extraction, knowledge integration, and knowledge processing. Finally, we present the applications of knowledge graph in the field of academic information service, discuss the features and usability of academic knowledge graph and give its schema design %K 大数据 %K 人工智能 %K 知识图谱 %K 学术信息服务 %K 学者网 %K < %K br> %U http://journal.scnu.edu.cn:8080/jwk_xbzrb/CN/abstract/abstract4488.shtml