%0 Journal Article %T 温度和湿度环境下未镀锌高强钢丝的腐蚀速率谱<br>Corrosion Rate of Non-Galvanized High-Strength Steel Wires under Different Temperature and Humidity Conditions %A 陈小雨 %A 唐茂林< %A br> %A CHEN Xiaoyu %A TANG Maolin %J 西南交通大学学报 %D 2018 %R 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2018.02.005 %X 为了预测主缆钢丝在服役过程中的腐蚀发展,计算了主缆钢丝在不同温度和湿度环境条件下的腐蚀速率,将主缆腐蚀环境的温度和湿度划分为5个等级,采用正交试验方法将其进行正交组合,控制恒温恒湿试验箱实验温度和湿度,利用微型极化电阻腐蚀传感器测量未镀锌高强钢丝的腐蚀速率,获得了温度、湿度与腐蚀速率的关系和耦合效应.试验结果表明:可将环境湿度70%、温度10℃以下区域归为钢丝弱腐蚀区;湿度75%以下、温度20~50℃区域归为钢丝低腐蚀区;湿度75%以上、温度10~50℃区域归为钢丝强腐蚀区.<br>:This study helps to calculate the corrosion of steel wires of the main cable under different temperature and humidity conditions. The temperature and humidity conditions of the corrosive environment in which the main cable was placed were divided into five levels. Orthogonal experimental was conducted in this study. The corrosion rate of non-galvanized steel wires was measured by micro-polarization resistance corrosion sensors. The temperature and humidity conditions were controlled by a constant chamber. The experimental results provided the primary and secondary relation among temperature, humidity and corrosion rate. The results also provided the regression equation of the corrosion rate of non-galvanized steel wire under varying temperature and humidity conditions through regression fitting. On the basis of the corrosion rate results, corrosion areas were classified into three areas, weak corrosion area for humidity of 70% and temperature below 10℃. Low corrosion area for humidity below 75% and temperature of 20-50℃. Strong corrosion area for humidity of 75% or more and temperature of 10-50℃ %K 缆索承重桥梁 %K 未镀锌高强钢丝 %K 环境腐蚀 %K 腐蚀速率谱 %K 正交试验数据 %K < %K br> %K cable-supported bridges %K non-galvanized high-strength steel wires %K corrosive environment %K corrosion rate %K orthogonal experiment %U http://manu19.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_xnjd/CN/abstract/abstract12556.shtml