%0 Journal Article %T 生物炭对生物滞留池水文效果的影响<br>Effects of Biochar on Hydrologic Performance of Bioretention %A 田婧 %A 刘丹< %A br> %A TIAN Jing %A LIU Dan %J 西南交通大学学报 %D 2018 %R 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2018.02.028 %X 为了研究生物炭的添加对生物滞留池雨水下渗、持水能力及水力停留时间的影响,在一野外中试生物滞留池中加入了4%(w/w)的生物炭,对该生物滞留池进行了导水率测试和3次溴示踪模拟降雨实验.研究结果表明:与无生物炭的对照组相比,生物炭的施用将填料土的饱和导水率增大了1.5倍;生物滞留池的水力停留时间延长了近1 h;渗流区的体积含水量增加了11%~23%;施用生物炭可全面提高生物滞留池的水力表现,避免溢流,削减洪峰,增加保水,减少雨水径流的排放.<br>:A pilot-scale bioretention system with 4% (w/w) biochar amendment was installed to evaluate the impact of the biochar on the bioretention in the aspects of runoff infiltration, water retention and hydraulic residence time. Hydraulic conductivity tests and three bromide tracer experiments were conducted in the pilot-scale bioretention system. Results show thatcompared to the control group, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of filter medium with the biochar amendment increased by 1.5 times, the hydraulic retention time of the bioretention increased by nearly 1 h, and the volumetric water content of vadose zone increased by 11%-23%. Using the biochar can improve the hydraulic performance of the bioretention, avoid overflow, mitigate peak flow, increase water retention and reduce the discharge of runoff %K 生物炭 %K 生物滞留池 %K 城市雨水径流 %K 导水率 %K 水力停留时间 %K 持水性 %K < %K br> %K biochar %K bioretention %K urban runoff %K hydraulic conductivity %K hydraulic retention time %K water retention %U http://manu19.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_xnjd/CN/abstract/abstract12579.shtml