%0 Journal Article %T W6Mo5Cr4V2齿轮刀具断裂原因分析<br>Analysis of the Causes for Fracture of the W6Mo5Cr4V2 Gear Cutter %A 吴旻 %J 西南大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2018.12.027 %X W6Mo5Cr4V2钢制齿轮刀具在使用中发生断裂,对断裂的齿轮刀具进行化学成分分析、硬度检测、断口分析、非金属夹杂物检验以及金相组织检验.检测结果表明:刀具的材质正常,断裂类型是脆性断裂,断裂原因是刀具金相组织中碳化物分布异常,呈网状分布,使刀具的力学性能中的强度、冲击韧性降低而脆性增大,导致刀具使用中在工作应力作用下发生脆性断裂.<br>The W6Mo5Cr4V2 steel gear cutter is prone to fracture in use. In an experiment reported in this paper, chemical composition analysis, hardness test, fracture analysis, non-metallic inclusion test and metallographic examination of the fractured gear cutter were carried out. The results showed that the material of the cutter was normal, and its fracture type was brittle fracture. The abnormal network-like distribution of carbides in the metallographic structure of the cutter, which reduced the strength and impact toughness and increased the brittleness of the mechanical properties, led to the brittle fracture of the gear cutter under the working stress %K 齿轮刀具 %K 断裂 %K 金相组织 %K 网状碳化物< %K br> %K gear cutter %K fracture %K metallographic organization %K network-like carbide %U http://xbgjxt.swu.edu.cn/jsuns/html/jsuns/2018/12/20181227.htm