%0 Journal Article %T 考虑替换和搭配的救灾物资配车问题<br>Vehicle dispatch problem considering substitutions and collocations %A 石群 %A 杨镇铭 %A 赵千川 %J 清华大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.21.007 %X 自然灾害发生后,需要向灾区运输救灾物资。该文研究在救灾物资供给灾民人数最大化的基础上,最小化救灾物资运输费用的方法。该文首先给出救灾物资、救灾车辆之间的替换和搭配关系的一些定义和命题,采用整数规划求解救灾物资供给灾民最大人数。在此基础上,采用整数规划最小化救灾物资运输费用。仿真实验表明:将救灾物资配车问题分解为若干子问题后,时间复杂度显著降低;考虑了替换和搭配关系,可以在最小化救灾物资运输费用的同时,保持救灾物资供给灾民人数最大化。<br>Abstract:Relief materials need to be rapidly transported to disaster areas after natural disasters. This paper describes how to minimize the transport by maximizing the number of victims supplied by the relief materials. This integer programming method involves the substitution and collocation of relief materials and vehicles to maximize the number of victims served and minimize the transport costs. Simulations show that the time complexity of the vehicle dispatch is significantly reduced after the problem is decomposed into sub-problems. The substitution and collocation reduces the transport costs while maximizing the number of victims supplied by relief materials. %K 替换关系 %K 搭配关系 %K 救灾物资 %K 整数规划 %K < %K br> %K substitution %K collocation %K relief materials %K integer programming %U http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2018/V58/I3/305