%0 Journal Article %T 基于BIM的建筑空间与设备拓扑信息提取及应用<br>Space and MEP topology extraction and application based on BIM %A 张建平 %A 何田丰 %A 林佳瑞 %A 陈星雨 %A 张永利 %J 清华大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.018 %X 建筑空间与设备拓扑信息是建筑设计优化、运维管理的基础数据。然而在传统建筑设计与运维过程中,信息存储割裂,难以实现信息集成应用。建筑信息模型(building information modeling,BIM)技术实现了各专业信息的统一描述、存储与管理,可显著提升拓扑信息的提取与应用效率。该文引入BIM数据标准工业基础类(industry foundation classes,IFC),提出了建筑空间与设备的集成拓扑模型,研究了空间与设备拓扑信息的提取与集成技术。在此基础上,该文研发了原型系统并采用实际项目数据进行了应用验证。应用结果表明:该系统可以有效避免重复建模,充分利用BIM的丰富信息,实现空间与设备拓扑信息的综合应用。<br>Abstract:Topologies of space and mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) are crucial to a building's design and maintenance. Traditional information storage is often fragmented and difficult to extract and utilize. Building information modeling (BIM) provides the uniform descriptions, storage, and management of various professional information to significantly improve the extraction and application efficiency of topology information. This paper introduces the industry foundation classes (IFC), proposes an integrated topology model of space and MEP, and studies the technology of extracting and integrating the topological information. Tests show that this model eliminates re-modeling, effectively utilize the rich BIM information, and enables integrated applications. %K 建筑信息模型 %K 空间拓扑 %K 设备拓扑 %K < %K br> %K building information modeling %K space topology %K mechanical %K electrical and plumbing (MEP) topology %U http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2018/V58/I6/587