%0 Journal Article %T 基于能效的单频网广播小区部署优化算法<br>Optimized deployment of broadcast cells based on the energy efficiency in a single frequency network %A 陈皇卿 %A 钟晓峰 %A 王京 %J 清华大学学报(自然科学版) %D 2018 %R 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.002 %X 与单小区多播/广播技术相比,多播/广播单频网络技术可以提高用户设备接收信号的频谱效率。使用单频网络将热门数据广播推送给目标用户设备,能够大大节约传输资源。在单频网络区域中对同一数据有需求的用户设备越多,使用广播推送能达到的能量效率越高。在连续广域覆盖网络下,该文提出一种基于能效指标的单频网广播小区部署优化算法,具有计算复杂度低的特点。基于随机几何蜂窝网络模型的仿真结果表明:与单播、单小区广播等模式相比,该算法能明显提升能量效率,提升程度与目标用户设备的分布紧密相关。<br>Abstract:The multimedia broadcast/multicast service over a single frequency network (MBSFN) can significantly improve the spectral efficiency (SE) by conserving transmitting resources, while broadcasting popular data in the MBSFN mode. As more users demand the same data in all MBSFN area, the energy efficiency will improve. This paper uses a low computational complexity deployment algorithm to optimize the broadcast cells with MBSFN transmissions in stochastic geometry networks. Simulations show that broadcasting with this algorithm has better energy efficiency than both unicasting and broadcasting with point-to-multipoint (PTM) in each cell. The efficiency gain is very important to the user equipment distribution. %K 多播/广播单频网络 %K 广播小区 %K 能量效率 %K 多媒体数据推送 %K 随机几何 %K < %K br> %K multimedia broadcast/multicast service over a single frequency network %K broadcast cell %K energy efficiency %K multimedia push %K stochastic geometry %U http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2018/V58/I2/170