%0 Journal Article %T 手机成瘾与大学生拖延行为的关系:有调节的中介效应分析<br> Mobile Phone Addiction and College Students' Procrastination: Analysis of a Moderated Mediation Model %A 连帅磊 %A 刘庆奇 %A 孙晓军 %A 周宗奎 %J 心理发展与教育 %D 2018 %R 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.10 %X 为明确手机成瘾对其拖延行为的作用机制,本研究构建了一个有调节的中介模型,重点考察了注意控制在二者关系中的中介作用以及意志控制的调节作用。以1212名大学生为被试,采用问卷法对其手机成瘾、注意控制、意志控制及拖延行为进行调查。结果显示:(1)在控制性别、年龄、年级后,手机成瘾对拖延行为具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)注意控制能够在手机成瘾与拖延行为的关系中起中介作用;(3)手机成瘾对拖延行为的直接预测作用及注意控制在二者关系中的中介作用均会受到意志控制的调节。研究结果不仅有利于从注意控制理论及自我调节失败理论的视角理解手机成瘾与拖延行为的关系,而且对引导大学生合理使用手机为其心理社会适应服务具有启示意义。<br>In order to give an interpretation for the relationship and complex mechanisms between mobile phone addiction and procrastination, the present study conducted a moderated mediation model to examine the effects of mobile phone addiction, attention control and effortful control on procrastination and the underlying mechanism. A total of 1212 college students participated in this study. College students' mobile phone addiction was measured by the Mobile phone addiction index questionnaire. The short form of Attention Control Scale was used to assess attention control. Effortful control was assessed with Effortful Control Scale. College students' procrastination was assessed with Procrastination Scale. All the measures have good reliability and validity. The results showed that:(1) After controlling for age, grade, the mobile phone addiction has a positive direct effect on college students' procrastination. (2) The positive association between mobile phone addiction and college students' procrastination was mediated by attention control. (3) The mediating effect of attention control was moderated by effortful control. The indirect effect was stronger for college students with lower effortful control than for those with higher effortful control. %K 拖延行为 %K 手机成瘾 %K 注意控制 %K 意志控制< %K br> %K procrastination %K mobile phone addiction %K attention control %K effortful control %U http://www.devpsy.com.cn/CN/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.10