%0 Journal Article %T 贫困大学生元刻板印象威胁对群际关系的影响:群际焦虑的中介和自尊的调节作用<br> Meta-Stereotype Threat Effects on Intergroup Relations among Impoverished Undergraduates: A Moderated Mediation Model of Intergroup Anxiety and Self-esteem %A 徐璐璐 %A 吴佩佩 %A 贺雯 %J 心理发展与教育 %D 2018 %R 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.06 %X 元刻板印象威胁是指消极元刻板印象所导致的群体成员的一种社会心理困境和认知不平衡状态,会诱发压力和害怕体验,进而损害其行为表现。基于群际焦虑模型,本研究拟考查元刻板印象、群际焦虑、自尊等因素对群际关系的影响,具体为贫困大学生消极元刻板印象对群际关系的影响及群际焦虑的中介作用、自尊的调节作用。研究以江苏省徐州市某高校的158名贫困大学生为被试,通过操控指导语的方式将其随机分为威胁组(消极元刻板印象激活组)和无威胁组(元刻板印象未激活组)。结果如下:(1)威胁组被试的群际焦虑水平显著高于无威胁组,群际关系水平显著低于无威胁组;(2)群际焦虑在元刻板印象威胁与群际关系间起中介作用,自尊在前半路径(元刻板印象和群际焦虑间)和后半路径(群际焦虑与群际关系间)均起调节作用。结论:激活贫困大学生消极元刻板印象会对群际关系产生威胁效应。<br>Meta-stereotype threat refers to the psychosocial predicament and cognitive dissonance experienced by individuals under the negative meta-stereotype. It could induce the experience of stress and fear, leading to the detriment of performance. Based on the Intergroup Anxiety Model, the current study aimed to explore the effects of negative meta-stereotype on intergroup relations in impoverished college students. We also explored intergroup anxiety as the mediator and self-esteem as the moderator in this relationship. A sample of 158 impoverished undergraduates from a university in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province participated in the present study. Participants were randomly assigned to either the meta-stereotype threat (MST) condition or the non-MST condition. We found that:(1) Intergroup anxiety under the MST condition was higher than that of the non-MST condition, while intergroup relations under the non-MST condition were worse than those under the MST condition; (2) The relationship between meta-stereotype threat and intergroup relations was mediated by intergroup anxiety. Self-esteem moderated the path from meta-stereotype threat to intergroup anxiety as well as the path from intergroup anxiety to intergroup relations. These results suggested that the deleterious effects of negative meta-stereotype activation on intergroup relations among impoverished undergraduates. %K 元刻板印象威胁 %K 群际关系 %K 群际焦虑 %K 自尊 %K 贫困大学生< %K br> %K meta-stereotype threat %K intergroup relations %K intergroup anxiety %K self-esteem %K impoverished undergraduates %U http://www.devpsy.com.cn/CN/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.06