%0 Journal Article %T 用新公式精确研究N2分子部分电子态的离解能<br>Accurate studies on the dissociation energies for some electronic states of N2 molecule using new formula %A 舒纯军 %A 何成林 %A 廖红艳 %A 姜友嫦 %A 孙卫国 %J 原子与分子物理学报 %D 2019 %X 本文使用代数方法(AM),研究了N2分子的七个电子态的离解能;然后使用新公式计算了这些电子态的离解能,并分别与离解能的实验值进行了分析对比.结果表明:使用新公式得到的分子离解能与离解能的实验值更为接近.对于那些用实验方法还难以获得其离解能的电子态,该式提供了一种获得其离解能的新途径.<br>The dissociation energies of seven electronic states and of N2 molecule are calculated using the algebraic method (AM) based on the perturbation theory. Then the dissociation energies of these states are calculated using the new analytical formula proposed recently. The results show that the dissociation energies gained by new analytical formula agree excellently with the experimental dissociation energies. It appears that the dissociation energy of an electronic state whose experimental value is difficult to obtain can be expected using the new formula %K 离解能 %K N2分子 %K 代数方法< %K br> %K dissociation energy %K N2 molecule %K algebraic method %U http://jamp.ijournals.cn/jamp/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=17209&flag=1