%0 Journal Article %T 生物酶改良膨胀土的压缩特性<br>Characteristics of compressibility of bio-enzyme expansive soil modified %A 曾娟娟 %A 文畅平 %A 刘子健 %J 土木建筑与环境工程 %D 2018 %R 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2018.03.019 %X 为探究生物酶改良膨胀土压缩特性,通过一维固结试验,研究了生物酶、石灰、水泥改良膨胀土体孔隙比、压缩系数、单位沉降量与荷载变化规律。探讨了固结压力对生物酶、石灰、水泥改良膨胀土体压缩特性的影响。试验结果表明:生物酶、石灰、水泥改良膨胀土表现出不同的压缩性,主要反映在压缩曲线与压缩系数上;掺生物酶、石灰、水泥都能改善膨胀土的压缩性,其中,生物酶配比为1∶300改良膨胀土的压缩性最小;改良膨胀土的单位沉降量与荷载的关系可用幂函数来表示:si=bpia。<br>In order to determine the compressibility characteristics of bio-enzyme expansive soil, by a series of one-dimensional consolidation tests, the effect of consolidation pressure on compressibility attributions of bio-enzyme-treated, lime-treated and cement-treated expansive soil is scrtutinized, and voids ratio, compression coefficient and unit settlement are gained. The influence of compression pressure on bio-enzyme -treated expansive soil, lime-treated expansive soil, and cement-treated expansive soil is discussed. Bio-enzyme -treated, lime-treated and cement-treated expansive soil possesses different compressibility, which is embodied by e-p curve and coefficient compressibility The compressibility of expansive soil is improved by adding bio-enzyme, lime and cement. When the mass ratio between enzyme and water is 1:300, compressibility is minimum. Linear equations can describe the relation between unit settlement and unit loads:si=bpia. %K 生物酶 膨胀土 压缩特性< %K br> %K bio-enzyme expansive soil compressibility %U http://qks.cqu.edu.cn/cqdxxbcn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180319&flag=1